5 Ways to Increase Your Home’s Curb Appeal

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Increasing Your Curb Appeal Can Fetch You More Money

Selling a home involves a broad array of vital details. Before you start looking for San Ramon moving companies to help with your next move, you may need to sell the home you currently occupy. When you do this, curb appeal is important. You don’t need to spend a fortune on increasing the exterior of your home; in fact, you can add a variety of touches that are relatively affordable. By giving your property a cosmetic upgrade, you may be able to secure a better price for it than you first imagined.

Consider the following strategies for curb appeal success:

  1. Start with the Front of Your House

The front door is one of the first details people notice upon entry. If the door has not been painted in many years, or if it shows signs of wear, now is the time to repaint it. You might want to use a bold new color for added charm. When you finish with the door, try repainting the address in a vibrant hue that complements the rest of the house.

  1. Change the Lighting

Prospective buyers might drive by in the evening to gain a better sense of the neighborhood overall. The lighting you choose could make all the difference in the impression they have of your home. To lend a new look to the place, replace old porch sconces with a more modern style. Also, evaluate the lighting on the walkway and throughout the exterior property, and make repairs and changes where needed.

  1. Add New Furnishings

If the furniture on your porch is worn and faded, invest in a few new pieces. They will help to increase overall visual appeal to people shopping for a new home. Additionally, you can take your purchases with you when you move.

  1. Fix the Exterior

Be sure to have roof repairs done if they are necessary. You might also paint the outside of your home if the paint is peeling in places.

  1. Give the Landscaping a Lift

A well-kept lawn and landscaping are essential to many homeowners, so make sure that is what people see when they view your home. If you have landscaping that conserves water, you might attract even more buyers in the area.

Selling a home and moving can be an arduous process. However, you may do several things to ease stress and maximize your budget. From increasing your home’s curb appeal to using one of the best Bay Area moving companies, make the most of the resources available.

Are looking for a reputable San Ramon moving company?

Give Magic Moving a call for a free quote.

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